What are the personal and public safety risks of keeping this animal- Wolves present several personal safety risks. Even in captivity, wolves retain their natural behavior, which is often viewed as aggression. As wolves grow older, they become increasingly more predatorial and territorial. Adult wolves are dangerous to small animals and children. Due to it’s pack mentality, a wolf may attack its owner if it perceives any sign of weakness in a display of dominance.
Laws against keeping wolves as pets- There is no federal law that prohibits the ownership of a wolf or a wolf-hybrid. Each state, however, has it’s own laws regarding the ownership of gray wolves and exotic pets in general. In Massachusetts, no person is allowed to have a wild wolf as a pet unless it has been owned since June 30, 1995.
Consequences (legal or personal) of keeping animal- Some personal consequences to owning wolves include death of owner or owner’s family, death of other pets, possible arrest/fine, harm to your house, harm to neighbors, and harm to the wolf itself.
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